We are more than a brand, we are history, we are culture, we are roots

J. Cespedes Fine Cigars 1971

Cespedes family

It comes from the toponym Cespedes, name of populations in the provinces of burgos and Cordoba, with origin in the plural of the ancient Castilian voice Cespede- "land covered with grass" or "little and dense grass that covers the ground". Those who carried the surname with honor and greatness as the knight of the order of Santiago Juan de Cespedes Figueroa 1713. From Seville were Francis de Cespedes and Figueroa knights of the order of Calatrava 1621 



Santo Domingo y Punta Cana ( RD )

 New York, Miami, Las Vegas ( USA )

 Dubai ( UAE )


Lunes – Sabados

9:00 AM a 6:00 PM

Santo Domingo y Punta Cana ( RD )

 New York, Miami, Las Vegas ( USA )

 Dubai ( UAE )
